Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Hard Day......

Dear Readers,

I don't even know how to start this blog. Lets just say it was a Dove silk chocolate day (whole bag), a double whisky coke day (and I normally don't drink whisky coke, ask my friends) and anything that is considered a comfort food, day. Both treatments went fine it was outside of the treatments that put me past my threshold. The kids seem to be at each others throats and Kadin seemed to be on "speed" every time I turned around something else was happening. I came very close to going over that line, you know the line of becoming a crazy lady. I don't feel the need to list everything that went on today just that I am sooo Happy my sister was here because I really needed her to come access my situation. After the worst, or what I thought was the worst, I walked over to Gloria's room and said I really need a drink! The kids had started to settle and I gave Kadin his pills before bed, he was just getting settled and I could slowly start to feel my shoulders relaxing when a pounding on our hotel door startled me. Gloria or Karin opened the door and stated that we all needed to move into the hallway due to the "Tornado" watch! What the bleepedy bleep is going on today?? Kadin started screaming when I tried getting him out of bed, I picked all 60lbs of him up along with a pillow and headed for the hall praying this would not last long. Kadin settled in the hall and I laid him on the floor on his pillow and Karin had a blanket he could use. Ashtyn and Tanner were scared and Tanner said, "Mom, where is dad?" I said dad is a long way away and he is fine, we are the ones that have the tornado warning." Tanner then said, "Why didn't we watch the news to see that their was going to be a tornado?" I said, well we just found out about it." Ashtyn was pretty scared and I told her, "honey we don't need to be scared we have guardian angles watching over us, God will keep us safe." We were in the hall for about 1/2hour and then were told we could go back to our rooms. The kids are now all sleeping and I am, well, on the computer writing to you all. Tears are rolling down my face and I am glad this day is finally coming to a close. I love my children so much but sometimes "Autism" kicks my butt and today was one of those days. It makes it doubly hard when your in a hotel room for an extended time and your husband is 250 miles away. I am not regretting coming here, I am seeing little bits of improvement here and there and we are only a week into the treatments just imagine what 40 treatments will do!
Dear Lord, please send me a few more guardian angles and a bit more energy.

Good night!

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