Monday, June 06, 2011

Great things happening in Madison WI!

Dear Readers,

You know how when your infant says it's first word how you freak out and make a big deal about it? Well, we were hanging out in our hotel room making dinner (you know the kind you can put in the microwave or open with a can opener)ever so quietly Mitchell managed to find the box of instant oatmeal and got a packet out and walked over to Gloria and handing her the packet said, "Want oatmeal!" Gloria screamed, "Marjorie get in here!" I went in to their room and Karin (Mitchell's PCA) and Gloria told me what happened I stated screaming, "Good Job Mitchell, you asked mom for oatmeal!" Yay Mitchell!! He had a smile on his face because we were all praising him, I turned to look at Gloria and it looked like she had tears in her eyes. I said, "Gloria, make sure you write this down." (For those of you who do not know who Mitchell is, he is my sisters 3 year old son who has Autism and speech impairment and he is also doing this Hyperbaric treatment along with my boys.)

About 20 min. before we were to leave for our afternoon apt. the cleaning lady cam to our rooms, we propped Gloria's door open so i could still have my door closed and the alarm on so Kadin could not escape. Anyway the joining room door was open and Kadin made his way over to Gloria's room when everyone had their backs turned Kadin took off out the door. As soon as I saw he was gone I ran down the hall and tried the pool door which, Thank God , was locked. I then ran out the front automatic doors to the Hotel to find Kadin out in the parking lot in his Pull-up. Do I need to say my heart was racing a mile a min? I hope to God that never happens again while we are here.
Aside from the drama our Treatments went very well, in fact I would say they were the best so far. Gloria and I were nervous about going in today due to the fact that we had not been in the chambers for two days. We were pleasantly surprised when they went so well. The one downfall was after our first "Dive", as they call it, Tanner pulled of his plastic hood and ripped the rubber around the neck resulting in a $55 dollar addition to our already huge bill. I guess I should have had an allowance for unforeseen mishaps. If their were a day that I needed a drink to help me relax it is today. Speaking of that, I need to get back to my whiskey coke!

Good night all!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Mitchell!! Love that boy :-)
    So glad everything's going so well(even Kadin's escape was short). Love the updates!
    You guys should have a time-line going and note the little improvements on it(like Mitchell asking for the oatmeal)so you can see if they're increasing in frequency as the treatments progress.
    Whiskey cokes....uggg, so many better choices! gimlets, red wine, beer....;-)
